So this has been a SUPER crazy week in our house, filled with firsts!!! On Monday night, Kalee fell in the driveway (while running in flip flops!!) and hurt her finger! Being the kind, patient, and loving mother that I am, I told her to stop crying or go inside. Welllll, when she just couldn't stop crying, I decided that it was probably time to end our long day of playing outside and come in for a bath because she must be just exhausted. Upon further inspection in the bathtub, her right middle finger was, um, well, BLACK AND BLUE, and VERY swollen. Sooooo we iced it and went to bed, since she could move it in spite of its appearance. On Tuesday morning, she said that it hurt and it still looked pretty ugly, but, I sent her to school anyway. When I picked her up from school on Tuesday, I took her to get it checked out and it is, in fact, broken!! That's right, people, MOTHER OF THE YEAR is in the house!!!! SO she ended up with a horrific looking splint that was big enough to immbilize her entire little spaghetti arm, and a referral to an orthopedist for follow up!

She stayed home from school on Wednesday since I felt REALLY guilty, and we had to go to see the orthopedist. At that visit she got a much more manageable splint and a huge ego boost when the doctor and the nurse told her that she was the sweetest patient they had seen all day! We have to go back next week for a follow up x-ray to make sure that it is healing properly so that they can ensure that she could in fact be a hand model someday! The doctor told her that if she follows directions and wears the splint, she should only need it for 3 weeks, which would mean ditching it just in time for her 6th Birthday!
So as if all of that wasn't exciting enough for one week, she also lost her first tooth on Thursday night!!! She was one excited little girl to see what the tooth fairy would leave for her. Apparently her Daddy told the tooth fairy that she is pretty special because she got a crisp $10 under her pillow, and there was golden tooth fairy dust sprinkled all around her pillow!

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